Study Tips

Welcome to the Self Study Tips Blog. Here you will find useful, thought provoking, easy to follow tips to help you successfully complete self study programs.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Self Study Tips is Here

The purpose of this page is to provide useful tools that will help you through you self study journey. There are many skills that go into being successful in any course or program, but self study is in a class (no pun intended) all by itself. Here I hope to provide you with useful resources that will help you tackle any self study program.

We will talk about...

1. Time Management-This has got to be the biggest problem for everyone. Trying to find the time necessary to study. While this is difficult for any type of program you are in, it tends to be particularly difficult in a self study program because you set your own "class time." You must treat a self study program just as you would a class that had regular days you had to attend. Each one of us has unexpected issues that come up or that extra time you just want to spend with your family, but I cannot stress enough the importance of managing your time wisely. If you don't, things will get away from you quickly and before you know it, you are behind and will have a hard time getting back on track.
2. Stress Relief-A must have when participating in a self study program. You certainly can't keep up a rigorous program without some type of stress relief. Of course, what works for one person to relieve stress will probaby be different for someone else, but the key here is to find what your stress reliever is and be sure to implement it. I find that talking to my friends and having a good laugh is a quick, simple stress reliever for me.

3. Organization-Being able to organize your assignments, notes, or research articles is critical. If you spend the majority of your study time searching for notes you took the day before or you sit down to study for an exam only to find there is no rhyme or reason to your paperwork, most likely, you won't get much accomplished. Not to mention the fact that by the time you do get somewhat organized, you will be frustrated with the amount of time you have already wasted and will have a tough time getting motivated again.

4. Motivation-Not something I can give you as this is something you have to find within yourself. However, there are books that deal specifically with finding your motivation and how to keep it going. I've provided a few links below to some books that I think you will find helpful. I can tell you that my motivation comes from wanting to not just do a good job but to do a great job in everything I put my mind to. That is where I find my motivation....where do you find yours?

Time Management Must Have's...

Morgenstern advocates a goal-oriented approach to scheduling time and actually helps her readers think through their goals. In the second part of the book, which I found particularly helpful, she brings the kindergarten model back and applies it to mapping out time. Morgenstern also provides specific instructions about how to zone your own calendar so that you can make really effective and informed decisions about your time.

Well the title says it all - this is not a big monster book which requires you to change you life to somehow manage to get the impossible done.

Stress Relief

This book is a simple, easy read, with each 'chapter' only consisting of 2-3 pages at most. Each topic/chapter is well-written with good examples and action-items at the end for you to take. The best part about this book is you can scan through and just pick a topic that you are having problems with, and read that topic only.


100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is definitely one of the better self-help / leadership books I have read. The one part of this book that is quite unique is that Chandler often starts with a quote, then he presents a typical example and finally tells a brief short story. Hope this helps everyone.


Although multitasking is probably the norm in most people's lives today, this book will remind you that making action item lists each morning and strategically organizing the action items is a far superior way of getting things done than just doing tasks as they show up in your face. It's an easy read, and one that is well worth your time.

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